Archive for June, 2009


June 30, 2009

There are a people with a strange gift and a strange curse. They have the ability to extend awareness into any object that they come in contact with. They experience a direct connection with all things.

This powerful sense comes with a price, however. Not all transitive sensations are good ones. Extreme cold, heat, and pain can all be felt through extension just as easily as normal neutral touch.

Over the years the magician scientists of the people have found ways to minimize transitive sensations as well as ways to maximize such sensations. These breakthroughs lead to progress and innovation of craft that would have otherwise been impossible.

War has never developed among the people. What weapons would be effective if every strike resulted in pain? This has made the people very vulnerable physically but very resourceful socially. Their first meeting with humans will be a strange one.

The Halls of Hell

June 29, 2009

Last night I dreamt that I was in hell. I dreamt that I was a demon who had escaped but had left unfinished business there. A child accompanied me on my return journey. The labyrinth was dark and dangerous. The creatures there were malicious and ravenous. The rulers there were clever and powerful. They were not concerned that I could escape with complete freedom because they knew that I would not be able to. Hell is an awful place and I know that had that child not been there with me I would not have lasted long enough to wake up.

a game encroaches

June 28, 2009

It is the perfect game. Within it one can find absolute freedom. It has woven intricately into its code any and all things anyone would like to do. It is like entering a lucid dream without having to worry that the dream might fade away. Many choose to live their entire lives in the game, and more.

The game is not without community or without rules, though if one should choose isolation or lawlessness both can be readily obtained. If one wishes to be recognized by others as a hero or if one would like to rise in power hundreds of options are available. Play in space or on land. Play with magic or technology. Play with puzzles or politics. Play with all things at once if you like. Face your peers or band together. Explore or exploit. Learn or take leisure. Whatever experience it is you seek can be found in the game, however visceral or cerebral it may be.

I’ll see you there.

Master Bait ad

June 28, 2009


colors in the sky

June 26, 2009


June 26, 2009

I would like to start a Creative Coalition.

My vision for this in the initial phase is basically a network of artists of many media. Those who could, would move to a single location to conspire, and those who could not, would attempt to cooperate via the internet. I am convinced that if those of you who I have worked with in the past band together with me, there is no creative feat that we cannot accomplish together.

At first our only income will come from part time jobs. After a few months our projects will be sold occassionally and will win occassional awards. Eventually we will have steady sales and distribution and could consider ourselves a functioning profitable organization.

This will be hard work, but hard work of the most satisfying sort.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Unhip Hippos

June 25, 2009

Hungry Hippos is a terrible game. It teaches people to be selfish and greedy and to over consume. How ridiculous. I mean seriously. It doesn’t teach you to think. There isn’t any real skill involved. The game is actually based on decompetition instead of competition. Terrible. Just Terrible.

That’s all I have to say about that.

On Poverty

June 25, 2009

We live in a world where some people profit and others do not. If we want to actualize equality we must become comfortable mixing socialism with capitalism. We must develop a standard, not for poverty, but for minimum wealth. Even if a person is unemployed and gives nothing (physical) to society, we must hold the conviction that it is better that a person be given the benefit of a doubt and the freedom to live in comfort and with the freedom to choose a type of life than for that person to be allowed to die or slip into suffering and servitude involuntarily. Whether we like to admit or not, at some point in our lives we are all completely dependent on others.

Now, at this point many of you will say two things: “There is not enough for everyone to have a fair and ample share of the world’s wealth” and “People must earn whatever it is that they have in order to justify their wealth.” I say, if there is not enough to go around that is a technical problem that we must come together to solve. That is not justification for classicism. I also say that none of us deserve anything and all of us deserve something. I am not willing to play God with people’s lives. I will make for damn sure that treat everybody else on this earth exactly how I would hope they would treat me were our positions reversed.

Nobody deserves to be poor and as long as people are poor, nobody deserves to be rich. I hope that you will join me in creating a world without poverty. I hope that you will help me solve the technical and technological problems that make it difficult for people to live comfortably and free. I hope you will also help me to change the perception that a person’s value is in a person’s productivity. People intrinsic worth just as our national forests do even if those people or forests lack any obvious utility.

At long last some of you will say, but if we end poverty who will plow the fields and unclog the toilets. At this I say, wow. What the crap. People shouldn’t have to be that specialized. People shouldn’t have to be like ants. People should be free. If we can’t create tools to plow the fields for us or unclog the toilets for us then to darn bad. If nobody wants to do it we shouldn’t make people do it my making it too hard for them to do anything else. We should find ways to make it so that nobody has to do it or we should do it ourselves or people should do it because they genuinely want to. They should want to because whatever they get from it in wealth or satisfaction is in addition to the plenty that they already enjoy not because they simply want to make a living.

cctv monster

June 23, 2009

You may notice from time to time that there are dark orbs in the mall or in an alley. These are, obviously, cctv cameras… or are they?

In truth, these orbs are eyeballs. They belong to the cctv monster, a creature from the nether-verse that authorities pay in candy and bubble wrap. It watches from its strange little eyes attached to it by so many nether tentacles. It sees you while you’re shopping, it knows when you’re a flake, it knows if you’ve been bad or good so be good for safety’s sake. If it reports you, you’re already in trouble, but if whoever is paying it off wants it to do more than just report, you’re dead! People disappear in places under cctv surveillance all the time.

Authorities once attempted to stop using the cctv monster. They stopped feeding it candy and bubble wrap. At worst, they thought, it will go on strike, which is what we want it to do. They were wrong. The creature went berserk and started killing people like all over the place. Authorities gave in and reestablished the status quo.

The cctv monster will never stop watching you.

Corpse Flower Adaptation

June 22, 2009

Corpse flowers are giant parasitic flowers that smell like dead bodies in order to attract the insects which help them pollinate.

What appeared to be a dead body was recently discovered in a river in the Congo Jungle. It looked and smelled just like a corpse. However the corpse did not seem to have any bones.

The corpse was brought back to a lab in Germany and carefully analyzed. The corpse was definitely a type of corpse flower. Astonishingly though, it also unmistakably possessed traces of human DNA.

The theory at this point is that certain organisms that live in the human body help the reproductive processes of this plant. The plant’s flower has come to resemble human corpses and at some point must have come in contact with an actual human corpse and assimilated some of its properties.

There are still many gaps in this theory, but it holds together more than any other theory at present. More importantly, the alternatives to this theory are very disturbing… Pod People…