Library Ghost Stories

One time I was going to refill the water for the coffee machine. When I returned to the coffee machine with one of the plastic five gallon containers, a chair was spinning. I was the only person around. I didn’t stay to finish refilling the machine, because I thought it might suck out my soul.

Okay, so there’s a trap door on the fifth floor. Sometimes when I’m there closing up, I can hear voices whispering.

Really? When I’m up there it sounds like people are doing it.

I heard there’s a mummy locked in the vault with all the other valuables.

Okay, so the air conditioning on the fifth floor sounds like bones rattling and the fan in the men’s room on the third floor grinds and moans like the scene in marathon man when Dustin Hoffman is being tortured.

One time, I ran out of TP when I was doing #2 in that bathroom. The scariest thing is my poop smelled like the spinach salad I’d eaten over a week ago. 

I heard there’s a dead girl in the library that uses the treadmill on the third floor at 3:00am every night.

One time, I took a nap on the nap on the fifth floor. When I woke up I couldn’t move my arms or legs or anything and time was flowing slowly. I heard someone scream and then I could move my body again.

Really? That’s weird. If this occurred a couple days ago in the afternoon, I was the one screaming. People were tickling me.

Okay, so seriously, I was closing up this one time. Just when I was about to lock the last door, I saw this dog–right outside, staring at me and growling and barking and stuff. I called animal control once I got a grip. A day later the library director called me and said that the dog I saw had been identified. The old lady who owned it said that she buried it a few days before it showed up outside the library.

Can we talk about something else? I have to close tonight and I’m starting to get really creeped out.

I always see an old guy with wispy hair, no eyes, and worms coming out of his mouth floating around on the third floor as soon as I turn out the lights. I call him Murphy to make myself feel better.

Please, cut it out now.

I threw up after I had to close this one time, because I saw a kid with arms for legs and flaky skin crawling around the walls of the fancy room on the third floor.

Eww, eww, gross! Stop it. I have to go.

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