Archive for November, 2009

on the War on Drugs

November 30, 2009



1. Stop trying to fight the supply. DRUGS ARE INSANELY CHEAP TO PRODUCE. Arresting hundreds of thousands of people who are almost all POOR and BLACK is only making things worse. We are now harder on non-violent crime than we are on theft, homicide, and rape.

2. Fight the demand. The only way to get people to stop buying drugs is to raise their standard of living. Most people who are addicted to hard drugs are addicted because their life is hard and that is the only thing that they can afford that can make them feel any better, or at least numb the PAIN. People with horrible addictions need help not further victimization.

3. Be reasonable. People can go to jail for decades, without parole, for possession of cocaine even though it costs practically nothing to make. People can go to jail for decades because they know that their boyfriends deal marijuana even if they have never bought or sold it themselves even though weed isn’t as harmful as tobacco or alcohol. California spends MORE on PRISON than it does on EDUCATIONS. We are building more prisons than schools! Furthermore, companies are making money off of the prison system which is paid for with tax dollars by using prison labor and providing prison services. We are being forced to privatize prison because it is unsustainable and drug enforcement agencies are funding their operations with drug money. WE ARE ACTUALIZING A ROBOCOP FUTURE.

I am very unhappy with US drug policy. FAIL.

Please pass this message along and please, feel free to forward this to your congressmen.

God Goes to the Therapist

November 30, 2009

What do you think doc?

Well, from what you’ve told me so far it is hard to say. You definitely have some split personalities, not just because you have taken so many different forms from one religion to another but even just the change in your tone and behavior from your old testament to your new testament. At times you seem to show psychopathic tendencies. Being the Alpha and Omega, you must certainly have some parental baggage. You are your own parent after all, but I suppose we are all raised by our offspring in one sense or another.

That’s another thing; your relationship with humanity is very complicated. The same, but also opposite. You give, but you also take away. You are connected, but also detached. You are one but you are not united. Your are omnipresent, yet incomprehensible.

I am just not sure how to diagnose you. I’m sure their must be something wrong in your psyche, but I don’t have a psychologically “healthy” God to compare you to.

Here’s what we’ll do: I’m going to prescribe you these purple pills. I want you to give me a call the next time you feel the urge to create or destroy a universe. Hopefully the next time you come in we’ll be able to get to the bottom of everything and figure both why exist and how you came to be as you are. I think we’re really starting to open here.


on reason

November 29, 2009

It saddens me when people cannot reasonably articulate their world views and even more when they don’t see the problems with their logic. I strive to understand others and to express myself clearly. I don’t pretend to know anything absolutely and cringe when others do.

Many of the individuals in this film are smart and reasonable. Some even give excellent metacognitive accounts. However, by and large those who are interviewed in this video are unreasonable, irrational, or absolutist. Lastly, the level of fear that a majority of the individuals in this video have seems completely unfounded. I don’t think the republican party will be able to move forward unless it completely reorients itself and leaves the crazies behind.



Ideas that aren’t working:

Unregulated Free Markets, WASPs First, Fear Mongering, Drill Baby Drill. Anti-Healthcare, Pro-Death Penalty (at least because it is racist as it stands), Anti-Minimum Wage, Anti Immigration


Ideas that might work:

Pro Gun (although I think non lethal weapons are fine for everything but hunting), Anti-Abortion (if it shifts from abortion rights regression to pro-contraception), Anti-Taxes (on individuals if employees are given shares of companies and of company profits and if companies are taxed instead and luxury taxes are put in place), Increasing Local Government Power, Anti-Trust, Pro Gay Rights, Pro Weed, Pro Public Funding

Maybe not… The GOP is hopeless, it might be best to simply form an entirely new party. I don’t know that conventional conservatism can continue to function. We need to be fighting about how to move forward, not whether or not to move forward. In any case, the GOP cannot persist much longer as it is now, namely white, christian, and wealthy. Perhaps if this seem like the end in order to keep democrats from running everything indefinitely the GOP should attempt to pass public funding so that new parties will be able to enter the public arena more readily.

I’m eager to hear what people think the future of conservatism is in the US.

Creeping Darkness

November 28, 2009

It must have followed me.

The wind moans at me in human tones through the gaps in the bus stop rain cover. It is cold as death this night. The devil is on my back! I jump as a leaf scrapes by on the pavement. Such chills.

I shouldn’t have opened that door in the theatre basement.

Space Slide

November 27, 2009

The lunar playground is finally complete! At last a place that is as strange and awesome and demented as humanity has been constructed. The playground encompasses the entire moon. It is filled with tunnels, mirrors, puzzles, moving parts, and optical illusions. However, most amazing of all is the lunar slide. The lunar slide is a series of tubes, sort of like the internet, that go from the moon down to thousands of different locations on earth. It is an experience like no other.

Have a Mega Christmas and a Productive New Year

November 26, 2009

In the future the holiday season will continue to start earlier and earlier. Eventually it will take place in four parts over the course of the entire year. Each quarter will have entirely new traditions and consumer expectations. Santa now comes four times a year. In each quarter he has a different helper.

Winter: The season of light, in which electricity is celebrated. In this season people stock up on lights, video games, movies, and appliances. People decorate their homes with elaborate light displays. Santa’s helper is Jesus.

Spring: The season of sex, in which chocolate, baked goods, flowers, contraception and intimate toys are all the rage. People decorate their homes with music and genetically engineered flowers that glow in the dark. Santa’s helper is the playboy easter bunny.

Summer: The season of fire, in which flames and fireworks are endlessly exploding. People decorate their homes with torches and flame-throwers then go to monster truck rallies, demolition derbies, and rocket launches. Santa’s helper is a cutified Satan.

Autumn: The season of death, in which candy and meat are gobbled up in massive quantities. People decorate their homes with carcasses and wear costumes for the entire season wherever they go. Santa’s helper is a zombie turkey.

Gradually, over the course of the next centuries these holidays are decomercialized as individuals begin to band together and effectively compete with corporate sponsorships of the major Christmas seasons. Homemade goods replace store-bought ones and society becomes more environmentally conscious. Corporations are forced to move off-world where they will take Christmas to other planets and make tons of money off of them.

Father Christmas will be immortal, adapting from culture to culture (much like Horace became incorporated into some of Jesus’s traits).

Uprising of the Elderly

November 25, 2009

Research is currently being performed with artificial limbs that would allow individuals not only to control those limbs but also to receive accurate feedback, sensations, from the prosthetic limb by utilizing lasers as a transmitter to individual nerves.

It is the year 2023. Hundreds of elderly people have undergone elective surgery in order to replace non functional or weak limbs with superior mechanical ones. However these same individuals are facing hard times as society begins to exponentially increase health and life expectancy. The elderly are perceived as unneeded group, leftovers from centuries past. The majority is simply waiting for the last of them to pass so that the age of endless youth can begin.

Tensions build as two retirement homes are attacked by young white males eager to find some remaining group against which to commit hate crimes and prove whatever if it is they hope to prove to one another. The government does little to compensate or protect those retired communities which are at greatest risk. In fact retirement as we know it is expected to be legislated out over the next two years.

The elderly are forced to take up action on their own. They alter their artificial limbs into powerful weapons. The old people cyborg uprising is begun.


November 24, 2009

It was a long class today. Every minute was about a day by Normah’s internal clock. Mr. Leonard’s voice was slow and boring. She heard his lecture but she wasn’t listening. She took some video with her phone of the boy next to her then started to draw over the frames. She drew a satellite orbiting his big round head. The bell rang. Normah was quite satisfied with herself.

Dreams of Doom of Gloom

November 23, 2009

We shared a dream that night. A tornado pursued us. The sky was orange and the world was græy. Cars flew over head and parked airplanes from some unknown airport dragged down the street. There were flashes of lightning, blood pink as light filtered through a hand. The trees were a flurry of forces and the tornado itself was dark, desolate, void. Imminent danger filled our souls with adrenaline but our bodies stood entranced by a chilling emptiness, futility. For a fleeting moment we became death and oblivion. We passed and we awoke. We remember everything.

Empire of Faith

November 22, 2009

The Catholic Church has released a wii like prayer video game. Soon other religions will follow. An cyberspace race will soon ensue between all faiths. In the end the faiths that are the most fun and the most interesting will prevail. Eventually religions will premiered for the first time on X-play and will fall unless they release a quality game every quarter or so.