I had the strangest chat the other day. I was on AOL and I got a chat from MarleneBenten1. It was already strange because that name sounded familiar. I accepted the chat and started taking with her. She told me she was my great Grandmother and that she thought I should become a electrician or an auto-mechanic. She said that the economy was going down but that after a year or two there would be tons of jobs in electrical engineering and in in electric motor manufacturing. She asked me how my mom was doing, and I said, “she’s OK.” I asked her how she was contacting me, and she said, “We just got Internet access.” I asked her how she could use the Internet if she is dead. She said, “We don’t die we just go to mars.” Then she said she had to go so I said, “l8r,” then said, “bye,” just in case she didn’t get it.

Crazy, huh?

Yeah, it is. You know, I had a weird dream the other night that Skyped my friend who died. Now I’m not so sure it was a dream. Creepy…

I don’t know about you but just in case, I’m going to take some engineering classes.


I’m really glad I took those classes. Electric car and solar panel repair work is great. My skills are needed just in case anything happens, but nothing ever breaks down anymore, except when people break things themselves. Luckily, that doesn’t happen often. How have you been?

Find, but that friend never Skyped me back. I wonder if he’s mad at me. Maybe I should join the space program and see if I can find him on Mars.

Pah ha! Yeah, right. 


I can’t believe you really went to Mars. Did you see your friend?



I did. It was just like your great grandma said. We have tons of proof, too.

That doesn’t make any sense.

What do you mean?

I made all that crap up. I prank Skyped you with a photo of your dead friend in front of the camera.



That is very strange. Well, I guess it just goes to show: In an universe of infinite possibilities, be careful what lies you tell, because there is always the off chance that you are in the universe where one of your lies will crash back down on you in a bombardment of irony.

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