Posts Tagged ‘thirst’


January 20, 2010

Euphoria. That is what it was like for her to enjoy her the first glass of water in over three thousand years, albeit lunar ones. She was ready for everything. There were surely a lot of new things to look forward to. Perhaps she would leave for a new moon, maybe a particularly well hydrated one.


October 25, 2009

He warned but I didn’t listen. He said, “I am the only one who can tolerate these peppers and I am the only one who knows how to prepare them properly.” Instead of listening to him I followed superstitious advice from superstitious people. Many believed that real reason that the man refused to share his recipe was because the peppers were imbibed with magical powers. The temptation os such a legendary vegetable can be quite great.

Besides, it wasn’t as if I was untrained. I was the reining champion when it came to the mass consumption of spicy goods. Give me anything from anywhere in the world, I thought, I’ll hardly be able to taste it. That’s how I expected things to go in my head. In reality, the peppers were like nothing I had ever consumed to date. Even if I had prepared them properly doubt that there is any sure way to dull their intensity.

After only a few minutes, my mouth was on fire and my belly was filled with black smoke. I needed something to drink. There was nothing available. This was devil pepper country. This was desert. I managed to hitch hike to the nearest mountain lake. By the time we arrived I could barely talk because I felt so dry and charred inside. I ran-stumbled down to the water’s edge and  took a huge drought. I was so thirsty. I just kept on drinking. Soon the lake was drained dry. I wasn’t finished yet. I was still spouting smoke-rings and brimstone like some demonic locomotive. I sprinted for the coast. I can make it I thought. I have to.

I did make it there. I drank deeply, for how long I can’t be sure. All I know is that when I finished I had sucked the whole planet dry.

On the bright side, this was a growing experience for me. I am no longer as cocky or hasty as I once was.