Posts Tagged ‘super power’


June 3, 2009

Every few thousand years God comes down from the sky to host a crazy competition to decide who gets superpowers. The next one is this year, 2012. Time for some EXTREME challenges. Check it out, there he is now, our host God. He’s flying out of the sky on a jet ski. Look at that beard, it’s out of control.

Alright, the contenstants have been selected and the competition is about to start. God has selected several interesting challenges today. The first is pretty gruesome. He calls it nightmare plague insanity scavenger hunt extravaganza. In this challenge the contestants have to swim through a maze filled with whatever they are most scared of. I don’t think I can watch.

God is calling the next challenge impossible riddle quandary mania mayhem. In this challenge God will ask a series of questions that are really hard. Hopefully there are a few savants amongst the challengers.

God is calling the last challenge, what? Is this for real? He says the last challenge is called wii compete. God has selected his favorite wii games for the challengers to compete against eachother with.

Well it seems we have a winner. What’s this, the challenger has challenged God to wii. Madness. Utter and complete Madness.

Incredible, the score was tied almost the entire time but a winner has finally pulled ahead. God is still the reigning champion of the universe at wii. What’s this, the challenger was in disguise. The challenger was really Lucifer this whole time. God’s little brother. Oh my goodness, they’re going in for a bro hug. I don’t believe it. After thousands of years, God and the Lucifer have finally made up. This is a beautiful moment that we’ve witnessed here today. I think I’m tearing up a little. It looks like God and Lucifer have had an idea of some kind. What are they doing? They’ve just given superpowers to all of humanity. This is crazy folks. I can feel energy flowing through me. I’m so connected with the universe. Everything is totally awesome. I can fly and stuff. Wow. What a day!

Wind Wizard

April 21, 2009

It was an ordinary class field trip, a hike through the mountains for biology and history. Little Benji was horsing around with little Nola, on a small trail near the top of a waterfall. Little Nola accidentally made Benji lose his footing. Benji fell.

Benji woke up in a hospital bed. His parents were there. The nurse said that he was the first person in the county to survive a fall from that high up.

That night, Benji dreams of the water fall. He dreams that the reason why he lived was because the air around him cradled him like a pair of gentle arms.

Two years later, Benji attempts to beat Brock Lee (his parents had a horrible sense of humor) at a swing jumping competition. The entire class is gathered around the swing set. Tammy Turnly is taking measurements with measuring tape.

Brock jumps first. He almost makes it all the way to the pavement. The children gasp in awe. Benji ignores the sea of murmurs and attempts to concentrate. He lets himself relax completely. His entire being becomes the ebbing force of the swing as it moves down and back and up. His hair is a fiery black flurry around his face.

He flings himself into the air. The air feels like water to him and it propels him upwards and outwards, over Brock Lee’s boggled face, past the four square lines, and onto the basketball court. Benji can hear the cheering children and can feel them running up to him, but he is preoccupied. He has latched onto something incredible and he doesn’t want to lose it. It feels like that moment during a dream when you realize you are dreaming. You know that if you can just hold on to that knowledge you will be all powerful in that sleeping world. But it is hard to hold onto, easy to forget.

Benji runs toward the wall ball wall. He comes at it from an angle, jumps, feels his feet scrape against it as he gains momentum, jumps off of the top corner with all of his might and glides into the wind. Benji flies.

Benji spends every hour of every day of every week of every month of the next year mastering his abilities. He learns run with incredible speed. He learns to control pressure and temperature. He learns how to hold solid forms with nothing but thick air. Benji becomes a master of wind energy. He powers entire cities. He travels the world. Benji is the wind wizard.