Posts Tagged ‘stone’

Medusa Syndrome

January 12, 2010

The visitors thought that they were saving the drifter. He tried to warn them but they wouldn’t listen. They brought him aboard their massive star colony. As soon as the drifter made contact with deck it was too late. The airlock closed and the drifter’s old heap of space junk started float out into the stars. The two people who had dragged him through the airlock were already beginning to turn. They stared in horror as the cold black gold crept up their arms. A nearby technician backed away from the growing darkness the crept across the floor and walls with the drifter at its center.

“Run!” The drifter shouted. “Evacuate as many people you can!”

It was no use. They were from different world’s. They didn’t understand each other. Hopefully, the threat would be realized in time to save a few lives anyway. If only he could kill himself, thought the drifter. If only their were some way.

Several days later a small security vessel arrived. They were going to tow the star colony back to their home world then deal with the dangerous one lurking within. The black gold crept up the tow cable. By the time the crew realized what was happening, their ship was already half corrupted. They failed to change course and make a transmission. Eventually both ships would crash into the heavily populated planet. There was nothing that the drifter could do. It was happening all over again. The drifter stared into the opaque eyes of his victims. “Why did you have to try and save me?”


May 16, 2009

Baulo was a cursed being. He lived among humans, but could never fully become one himself.

Baulo awoke to the sound of a strangers voice.

Are you alright? How did you get here?

Baulo could not answer because he could not understand.

The stranger’s name was Earl Benton. He was at this moment Baulo’s only friend on earth.

It won’t do to leave you here now will it?

Baulo lived with Earl for three years. He learned the language and learned a trade. He was a carpenter now, a fine one at that.

One windy Sunday afternoon, Earl introduced Baulo to an old friend of his. Baulo and Liola made marvelous companions. Liola returned twice a week to teach Baulo how to play piano. A lesson ran late one night. The moon glowed full through the window leaving blue squares on the carpet and mantle. Before Baulo could protest, Liola touched her lips to his cheek. Baulo instantly turned to stone, just as he had been moments before Earl discovered him.

As always, Baulo would not reawaken for another three centuries. In the mean time, his sturdy figure would haunt many obscure museums before falling into dark boxes in forgotten storage rooms.