Posts Tagged ‘sports’


April 13, 2010

We sure have a lot of grass in Scotland.

That we do.

I have a stick.

I have a nut.

I will hit your nut with my stick.



F***! Ouch!

Now I will hit this chestnut.

You hit my nut with your stick you a**h***!

I surely did, and far it did fly.

I’m going to dig a hole.

A fine idea. I can hit your nut again until your nut falls into the hole.

I’m going to kill you and put you in the hole.

Let us call this sport “golf.”

Lightning Surfing

May 8, 2009

We skitch up bolts of lightning. Into the dark rolling clouds. The quiet world below drifts out of mind. Our lightning boots spark excitedly as we slide hither and thither. FlashSnap. The shattering bolts bounce around carrying us with them. The universe becomes a blur as we accelerate and drift and accelerate. Peace. Adrenaline. As we pass each other we mutely laugh under the rumble of thunder. The lighting strobes upon our smiling faces like so many camera flashes.