Posts Tagged ‘space travel’


April 2, 2009

For the first time in history, humanity possesses a surplus of pollution free energy all over the world. Wind and Solar are primarily responsible, however alternative energies continue to augment our already efficient energy reserves. Now that energy is virtually free, we can begin the next great cycle of modernization.

Cheap transportation is one of the keystones to global economic success. We are constructing a new system of airways for electric aircraft. All transportation is being given wireless recharging capabilities, and the combustion engine is being gradually phased out. Soon we will have a world of truly free travel.

The other major field that is in need of modernization is of course agriculture. Organic garden systems and tower garden systems are solving this issue. We will soon perfect these arts so that any town can grow its own food easily and efficiently.

The area of study that I most wish to expand, unpopular as it may be, is space exploration. If we can make contact other creatures like ourselves, learn to terra-form, or discover large deposits of useful resources, we can ensure humanity’s long time survival in the universe.

As my final act as president of the world, I am tripling the global science fund.