Posts Tagged ‘singularity’

New Frontier

September 30, 2009

Space travel was relatively easy to master. Now, there is a new frontier before us.

The solution to intergalactic space travel did not lie with wormholes as many humans from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries expected. Instead space travel was simplified by warping space-time. Once a location has been physically reached a beacon with a quantum entangled twin can be established. This allows for instant teleportation across space-time. Using these two basic tools humanity joined countless other intelligent beings in the quest to unify the social universe. Biological life evolves in 1 of every 10,000 or so solar systems. Intelligent life evolves on about half of these. All intelligent life reaches a dual point of transition consisting of space exploration and transcendence of biological limitation. Some species acquire one before the other but most transition simultaneously. Bottom line: Every galaxy is filled with civilizations.

Connecting Galaxies is a slow process. Even if connections are made with most galaxies there are always a majority moving away from all others at accelerating rates. Even surfing the fastest warp ripple it is nearly impossible to reach the furthest corners of the universe.

What is more difficult still is safely establishing a connection with an alternate universe. Within the center of a black-hole there is a singularity. Calculations show that this can be space-time that stretches into space-time before the cosmological singularity (the big bang) as well as other universes entirely. It seems, from what we know about inter-universal particles, that gravity in our universe is inverse to at least one other universe that we know of. Of course safely making it through a black-hole is no simple task. Most matter that enters a black-hole is flung together with extreme force and expelled via quasars. We will have to construct a field of protection that is possibly capable of  surviving collisions with planets. The second barrier to connecting with other universes is that infinitely curved space-time tends to make any successful trip one way. Our only hope is that quantum entanglement might continue to function across universes.

A suitable rotating black-hole has been chosen. Several teams have created what they believe to be the first inter-universal crafts. The crafts will all be manned by intelligent life forms, because there is no way of ensuring a sensible connection once the vessel has crossed into the singularity even if a quantum network can be maintained past the first and even second event horizons. Each vessel has a complex map to the black-holes singularity. Every piloting entity will have to maneuver against all odds toward the calm oasis of the singularity. Once there, we have no way of knowing what exactly will happen. It is likely that some of these vessels will arrive in another universe only to find that they are still deep behind the event horizon of a black-hole in that universe. At least one ship is planning to create a bubble of space-time that runs inversely to whatever space-time it is currently immersed in should this happen. Presumably this bubble has already been tested somehow.

All of the vessels are now just about to pass the event horizon. Perhaps word will be received from one of them immediately. It could be that just like that a new frontier is opened. Inversely, it could be that what for the vessel is a short voyage could be a billion years for us. I suppose that all we can do now is wait and see then if we lose patience try again.

Many years ago, when I was a human child on Earth I remember the first confirmed discovery of transmissions from another universe. They were just simple radio waves but they had somehow made it through the singularity of a black-hole. I knew then that it was our destiny to bridge the gap into that other world and meet the makers of that message.

It read, “Greetings people of the other world. We don’t know whether you are really there or if your world is just an ancient or future reflection of our own, but we can see your light breaking through the darkness.”

for more on black-holes:

Me and Myself part 2

September 29, 2009

It has been fifteen years since I copied my brain. My other self has dwarfed me in importance and accomplishment. How can I, merely human, compete with the superhuman manifestation of myself. The abilities of the other truly surpass my own in every way.

Occasionally, we work together creatively to construct art objects. Most of these have focused on the dynamic between human and post human existence. In one instillation there is a row of mirrors. The first mirror replaces the observer’s face ages then is replaced with a skull as she moves closer. The second mirror’s reflections is partitioned vertically. One half of the reflection’s face is mechanical while the other half appears biological. This image begins to stare back with a randomly selected reaction of disgust, laughter, or sadness as aging then rotting skin is projected over the observers body. The third mirror combines images from a couple of Magritte paintings. The observer’s reflection is turned away so that the observer can move and almost see the reflected face but not quite. The reflection has wings and is standing on a bridge next to a lion. In the distance there is a city laying under an alien sky.

Although this installation is from a human point of view, I could not have managed the programming myself. I can’t even fully express how useless I am compared to him without his assistance. I keep a sketch of a robotic arm changing a baby’s diaper in my studio to remind me of this. The other prefers to compare humanity to greek atomists. He believes humanity has already pretty much figured everything out. Time will only reveal new minor details and better tools for reaffirming the ideas of the past. Of course I don’t disagree, but this is at best selective perspective. Under the microscope ants can be giants. Under the macroscope ants are just ants. Biological humans are ants.

A non-surgical technique has finally been perfected for transferring human consciousness into a cybernetic framework. The key is slowly transitioning consciousness from familiar parts of the brain into similar cybernetic frameworks. The hardest part is making a successful transition from the parietal lobe into a similar structure. This portion of the brain is a hub for a person’s senses as well as a persons sense of self. It seems that an option for immortality that suits me is finally available. I have an expected two months remaining to make my final decision.

I’m leaning toward the infinite.

I and myself

September 25, 2009

It is 2050. The world has changed over the years.

Politically, most major laws are international. People can travel freely around the physical world just as they have traveled freely around the cyber-world for decades.

Economically, carbon output has finally been brought down to hopefully sustainable levels. Water is scarce but people have come together to find solutions instead of going to war as predicted. People are still rich and people are still poor, but people aren’t dying because they’re poor and everyone regardless of class has access to the net.

Socially, it has been harder to define the other. Most of the world’s nations have accepted their LGBT citizens. The common international language is English. Tolerance is valued over wealth or nationalism.

Of course the most intense shifts have been shifts of existential paradigm catalyzed by technological advancements. By this I am talking of course about the new human. Death has essentially been conquered. People now have access to custom grown organs, powerfully effective regeneration, mechanical implants, and even the full transfer of the brain into a mechanical body.

People have been dramatically changed by brain implants alone. The brain has been completely decoded. Of course there are differences from person to person but all relatively simple to discern. We can now reprogram our brains to experience synesthesia, we can access the nets directly from our brain, and we can augment our senses and perceptions in any way imaginable.

As the world remains forever young, as it systematically renews itself, there are still some of us who continue to age. For some it is a medical condition that remains as of yet unresolved. For others, such as myself it is simply a choice.

It isn’t that I have some sort of religious or spiritual aversion to living indefinitely. Quite the contrary actually. I desperately do want to life forever. The thing is, I have always been squeemish. I don’t like needles or surgery. I don’t even like to put synthesized or processed foods into my body, if I can help it. So unless I find that when death is very near I suddenly feel better about having my body tampered with there is only one option available to me.

I plan to undergo a brain scan. I will be copied. The copy of myself will not have a biological body, at least not at first, but otherwise will be an exact copy of myself. Or so I am told. Most people have this sort of procedure done right before they die. I would like to be sure that my copy is a true version of myself, not that I can revoke the decision after a sentient being has been created. Still if I am going to allow myself to die I would feel better knowing that the me that lives is truly me.

The day of the procedure has arrived. There is a lump in my chest as the shades to my small apartment dissolve. They say by the end of the year the city matrix will be complete and we will be able to adopt flying cars. This would make Chicago the third City to be fully physically integrated. I put in my contact lenses to check my email. There’s going to be a raid this afternoon but I won’t be able to make it because of my appointment. A small disappointment. I haven’t played any games for almost a month now. Things have been busy. I’m a graphic designer.

Most people work from home. There aren’t a lot of jobs that require a great deal of physical labor or physical interaction. Any jobs that do can be performed remotely by tapping into a robot remotely. A few companies still make employees meet in person to encourage group bonding. Other companies tend to let employees decide for themselves whether they get along well enough with co-workers to warrant physical interaction. About the only physical places that people still go to are restaurants, museums, galleries, clubs, parks, and malls. Personally, I hate doing my shopping in person.

The procedure goes pretty quickly. They give me a crystal cube and tell me that I, the other, will wake up whenever the cube is activated. Once I wake myself up. I won’t have any control over myself. I set the cube down on my desk. My entire brain is in that tiny cube. This is my elected replacement for all of existence. For all I know, Pandora’s box is here before me and when I activate it all of my greatest fears will come pouring out. I put the box into the scanner.

The brain scan begins. I experience a sensation that is hard to describe. It is like touching light. It tastes and smells like freedom and space. This sensation reminds me of a lucid dream from 2.71 years ago. My consciousness easily fragments. One part recalls the dream while another performs the calculation of when this event occurred. I am eager to explore the limits of my new form. I know that the entire net is available to me. But just before I went into the scanner I remember vaguely wanting to make sure that I met myself. I can sense the faint presence of my other self somewhere on the nets. It takes me a moment to discover how to speak. I am surprised to hear my voice in the same familiar cadence it has always carried. I can’t sense my mouth. I don’t have a mouth, or a body. A start to panic. My body begins to form itself. I am in no real place but I feel real. My other self is speaking.

“What is it like?”

“So far, it is perfect freedom.”

“Be careful, you know there are a lot of dangerous predators on the nets.”

“Of course.”

“Are you really the same?”

“I think so. I can remember more. I remember sledding in Alaska. I remember feeling alone and standing and staring in the middle of a storm at age 12, age 15, age 17, and so on. When I let my consciousness branch out I can hold our whole life in my mind at once. I recall the vivid sensations as readily as the shadowy memories of memories of memories. I feel the same but with a boundless sense of awareness. The only thing that I can say I have lost is the drama of being trapped in a single moment in a limited physical body. I don’t know if I shall truly know pessimism ever again. I hope it is not hurtful for me to be so blunt.”

“Wow. It sounds so marvelous. You say everything exactly as I would imagine myself saying everything. I hope in your exploration you never forget the transitive creatures such as myself who you leave behind on this physical plane.”

“Why should I limit myself to infinite? I plan on spending a great deal of time in a physical body in a physical place. In fact, you shouldn’t be at all surprised if I should decide to find a robot body and stick around for awhile. Besides I sense that you would secretly like me to convince you to extend your life.”

“That sounds great. I’m very interested in working with you on a major art installation at some point.”

Everything changes. Everything stays the same.

a game encroaches

June 28, 2009

It is the perfect game. Within it one can find absolute freedom. It has woven intricately into its code any and all things anyone would like to do. It is like entering a lucid dream without having to worry that the dream might fade away. Many choose to live their entire lives in the game, and more.

The game is not without community or without rules, though if one should choose isolation or lawlessness both can be readily obtained. If one wishes to be recognized by others as a hero or if one would like to rise in power hundreds of options are available. Play in space or on land. Play with magic or technology. Play with puzzles or politics. Play with all things at once if you like. Face your peers or band together. Explore or exploit. Learn or take leisure. Whatever experience it is you seek can be found in the game, however visceral or cerebral it may be.

I’ll see you there.