Posts Tagged ‘sex’


April 26, 2010


April 26, 2010

Kendra felt her lover stirring under the sheets. Jes was radiating heat. She was probably about to start her period. That meant Kendra would be soon to follow. She turned her thoughts from the hypothetical evolutionary advantages of such a contagion and tried to wake Jes slowly. The room was starting to change from blue glow of early morning to the warmer tones of the part of the morning that means Jes is about to miss class again. They were both bottomless. Last night’s athletic feats had left them both far to exhausted to dig for panties. Jes has a full bush but makes Kendra shave hers. Kendra leaned over Jes’s shoulder. Jes was wearing a thick thermal tank top, but Kendra could still see her nipples. Jes was breathing slowly whistling slightly as she exhaled. Kendra wrapped her arm around Jes’s soft torso and and nestled her nose into the nook under Jes’s jawbone. Jes smiled and arched, catlike. Jes rolled over to meet Kendra’s eyes. Jes put a limp hand on Kendra’s neck. It felt warm and soft. Kendra wrapped her leg around Jes’s torso and rolled on top of her.

Three firm thumps at the door sent Kendra tumbling over sideways. She barely managed to land feet first. Both women cursed as they scrambled to find clothes to cover up their groins with. Kendra found the sense to announce just a minute. She decided that it would be most expedient to hide Jes in her closet.

She found her Resident Councilor at the door. “Is there a boy here?” Mrs. Sorely jabbed. Kendra knew the only reason why she hadn’t simply barged in was because she had done so to other residents on so many other occasions that she came quite close to losing her RC position. Not all parents and professors are happy to here that student or child was successfully interrupted during a particularly  enthusiastic fit of masturbation.

“No,” Kendra replied confidently, “There is not a boy in my room.” Mrs. Sorely wasn’t convinced. She let herself in and started sniffing around.

“It smells odd in here.” Sorely mumbled. Apparently Mrs. Sorely had never smelled vaj before, thought Kendra, trying not to laugh. Mrs. Sorely was standing right in front of the closet now. She started to reach for the closet door.

Jackie, the tiny sophomore from down the hall called in from the doorway, “Mrs. Sorely, it looks like someone puked in the bathroom. Mrs. Sorely abruptly departed, allowing for Jes to fully dress and escape. She’d be late for class again.

Jakie smirked at her bemused neighbor, “Talia says that you’re welcome.”

Kendra’s expression changed, “I thought she stopped.”


March 27, 2010

premarital sex… this term is absurdly presumptuous. for all of the millions of people who do not plan to get married or at least not to their current partners, the term does not actually describe their sexual relations at all. can’t we just throw the term out completely. really, polarizing people in terms of married and unmarried is already pointless. particularly when so many married people end up getting married to so many people over the course of a lifetime anyway. sex isn’t responsible or irresponsible just because of a marriage license. heck, it isn’t like you need to take a responsible sex test to get one.

Duke Hospital

March 16, 2010

Lots of paintings of white men. Old important doctors and rich people I presume. Not a lot of black people or women. Just that creepy black Thomas the tank engine with a bunch of white guys riding him. You can do better. What are the little kids in the pediatrics ward who aren’t white and male supposed to use as inspiration to become the doctors of the future? Disappointed, majorly.

on marriage

October 5, 2009

Mr. Shepherd, why do we have to wait until we’re married to have sex?

Well Suzie, here’s how it is. God likes the nuclear family. When people are married they make families. When people are not they don’t.

But, some people make families when they aren’t married!

Yeah, and some people who are married don’t make families!

It’s more responsible to do things God’s way.

Isn’t it responsible to use contraception or, you know, do things that can’t get anyone preggars?

Whoa. Hold your horses there Jimmy. Let me put it this way, once you get your license you can drive as fast as you want. If you drive without a license God will send you to hell where you will burn for eternity. Any more questions?

Um… never mind…

Alpha and Omega

June 13, 2009

There once was a boy named Alpha and a girl named Omega. One day, the two of them met on a train. They became great friends and stayed in contact with eachother for decades. Eventually they fell in love. When they had intercourse the Universe imploded. It was beautiful and intense.


June 7, 2009

Designer pheromones took a turn for the worst at the turn of the century, 2101. Many become too effective. To add to this, there was a strong push in the male pheromone industry to flavor scents after various foods.

Naturally mass cannibalism ensued. The male population dropped by nearly one fifth over the course of a few weeks.

Complicated Dreams

June 4, 2009

It is funny how emotions and situations that are so complex and so intense can be so perfectly captured in a dream.

I am a male. I feel more comfortable around women than men. I am more attracted to women than men. I identify more closely with my female friends than I do with my male friends, even though I enjoy a good cyber battle now and again with guys.

Nudity. Sexuality. This is the area where things get tricky. In the dream I am in a corporate shower in a woman’s body with an intimate friend of mine and fellow female feminists. There is sexual tension between many people but also a sense of trust and camaraderie. I am enjoying myself and I feel comfortable and excited and something else bordering fear and arousal. In my heart I believe that I am a fraud. I don’t belong. If I am discovered for what I really am I will be despised, hated, loathed, humiliated. I am at once included in the ultimate feminist club as I have always wanted and at the same time distanced from it as always due to what at times like these can only be considered male handicap.

My friend does a very good job of including me. My awkwardness is taken as shyness at being new. Nobody suspects that it is the fear of a combatant being discovered in an enemy camp. What sort of punishment might await me if I am found out I can’t help but wonder.

Eventually the time comes. All is bound to be discovered. My friend and I are alone in the shower. She is sharing a plan with me of how things might work out. She is showing me a bizarre contraption which would allow me to remain in the shower but separate from everyone else. Separate but equal I suppose in retrospect. I see the word masturbation next to the picture of the fence like contraption. The thought of masturbating in a little box while the women shower fills me with depression. I feel rejection for the idea because it grinds against my sense of feminism and social comfort, but I also sense that such an experience could in fact be arousing. Masturbating in a room full of attractive feminists might be nice if it didn’t seem so wrong and so strange.

As I am trapped in my sad and sorry sensations the other women arrive. I am exposed and I have a penis once again. Things often make sense emotionally in dreams without having to make logical sense. The dream ends at around this time. These last few moments blend together scorched into my heart. The women both ignore me and see me. Perhaps they feel pity and disgust for me. I am not really sure. In any case, I no longer belong. I am no longer one of them. I’m not sure whether my friend decides to comfort me or leave me to join the others. I fade away.

Sleep Synthesis

May 1, 2009

Dr. Slepert has discovered not only why humans have to sleep but has also created a chemical substitute for sleep itself. No longer will humanity be slave to 16 hour waking days. Work 24, play 24, work 12, play 12. Agency is again your own.

— Alchemy Daily



Hello friend. My name is Wyatt. I have been awake for over seven months. I finally have enough time for both work and WoW. I’ve been pumping out lvl 80’s like kittens. I have pumped out SO MANY kittens.


Hi y’all. My name’s Tienna, you know, like Tienanmen Square. My parents were like MAJOR hippies. Every night for the last three weeks, I’ve been having crazy sex marathons with Jorge.


My name is Karlo Shaw. I’m a representative of the natural human movement. Please don’t buy into all of this crap. People are supposed to sleep. Sleep shouldn’t be tampered with. If we don’t stop here, we will all be modified humans like in that one movie before we can blink an eye.


I hear it keeps you awake by stealing energy from your soul. This is the devil’s quickiefix.


I just got into the guiness book of world records for longest period of time spent walking in concentric circles.


Not for long. Noob.


I’ve been doing 48 hour film festivals. They are SOOO much easier.


Wow. It’s like we can all live twice as long now if we want to.


Life sucks. I don’t want to live longer. I’m going back to sleep. You all suck! 8===D  ^o^


March 23, 2009

It began as little more than larva. At first it could only eat the smallest of alga. Then, as it grew, it began to consume small insects. After a year, it could eat smaller fish. It was at this stage that the Koi was observed by a certain couple.

They saw the fish, the fish of love, and were at once overwhelmed by a great flood of hot desire. They enjoyed coitus right there on the edge of the water. The Koi watched with fish eyes from below the water surface.

Of the two humans, the one which was male had secretly resolved never to have children. Until this moment, he had successfully avoided sexual intercourse without rousing suspicions. He would not be so lucky this time. He very obviously pulled out as he climaxed. Most of his reproductive fluids landed in the water where the Koi lived. The Koi happily consumed them.

The human female, who very much did want to have children, watched the spectacle in both awe and disgust.

Something changed in the Koi that day. Perhaps the human male had been eating too much genetically modified food. Perhaps he had gotten to close to the radioactive chemicals with which he worked when on the clock. Perhaps the fruits of his loins were filled with mitoclorians. It is hard to be sure. In any case, the Koi began to grow quite unnaturally large.

An old man ventured to close to the edge of the lake in which the Koi resided during his morning walk some cloudless day in March. The Koi sprang up out of the water beaching itself for a moment as whales sometimes do. The old man was swallowed whole. The disappearance of the old man gave the lake an ominous reputation. The Koi enjoyed eating several thrill seekers. 

Eventually, the Koi grew so large that it filled the entire lake. It was at this point that the local television news station began to cover the creature. They arrived just in time to catch one of the most interesting aquatic spectacles that has ever occurred. The Koi, probably desperately hungry at this point, flung itself half a mile up out of the water in the direction of the ocean. It was a very rainy day, which may have helped to keep the fish from drowning in the open air as it flopped hap-hazardously toward the sea. It made it there alive.

It remains somewhere in the sea even to this day. A number of cruise ships have reported seeing a giant fish just before transmissions were cut. Presumably, these ships were all swallowed whole. The Koi grows larger every day.