Posts Tagged ‘religion’

A Lost Commandment

July 3, 2010

Remember this day that Ur sat for he sat with Gwod, and Gwod was the best freestyler I ever heard of.


January 21, 2010

The day has finally arrived. I’ve been building the gateway for almost 200 years now. I’m the only one who still believes in devils and holy war. I go into hell alone. In order to open the gate I must use a great deal of power. Several of the cities along the East coast will experience blackouts. I’m sure many people will die because of me, but I will save many more. I’ve armed myself with particle weapons and retracting blades. There is no way to know what will be effective. I only have enough air to last for an hour or so. Hopefully that will be enough time to arm the nuke. There is no way for me to return. Perhaps you think I’m insane. I’m sure I won’t receive your blessing or your gratitude. I will save your soul whatever the cost may be, even if that cost is your life or mine. You may call me fool or zealot. I call myself martyr, savior.

Empire of Faith

November 22, 2009

The Catholic Church has released a wii like prayer video game. Soon other religions will follow. An cyberspace race will soon ensue between all faiths. In the end the faiths that are the most fun and the most interesting will prevail. Eventually religions will premiered for the first time on X-play and will fall unless they release a quality game every quarter or so.

Fisher of Men

April 5, 2009

People are entranced with wealth and sex and all other kinds of sinful things. We the fishers of men, have discovered a way to save our fellows from the temptations of the devil. We fish.

Sometimes from atop high school classrooms, nightclubs, walmart. If the structure is a breeding ground for evil you can bet we’ve fished from it before. Now here’s the way it works. Let’s say we want to save people from greed. We might tie a 100 dollar bill to a fishing line. When some poor soul tries to get at it we take it out of reach. Finally, we throw them a bible and a statement that says something like, “don’t be a fool, be like Jesus.” We also use things like false advertisements, and fake pornography to lead people back into the light. There are many different ways to fish people up out of the lake of fire.

Once you show a person how easy it is to trick them when their heart’s not in the right place, they become far more receptive to His wisdom. Please fish.

future religions

April 5, 2009

The year is 3060. Old religion is still around, however many new religions have evolved. The most fundamentalist religions thrive in isolation. There are a group of people who have been stranded underground in Canada for 300 years, since the last nuclear bomb went off. One of the most recent additions to the world’s major religions was founded here. The religion is based on Harry Potter.

The basic premise is that at one point everything in Harry Potter actually occurred. There is of course extra story added on about how the magical people of the world were eventually wiped out except for small pockets that live in secret. One day a new battle between good and evil will occur.

Other religions have come into being based on such works as The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings.