Posts Tagged ‘perception’

Time Toys

November 17, 2009

Finally here, the new Time Tweeker 2000. Just attach it to the temporal lobes and you’ll have full control over the way yo perceive time. It’s practically time travel. Stuck in a meeting, just skip it. Forgot what someone just said, rewind your mind. It’s the perfect gift.


Warning. Going to far back in time may cause irreparable damage or coma. Only use in locations where you are not likely to be taken advantage of. Never tamper with fail save device.

Time Tech Inc. is not responsible for anything… ever.

on cognition

November 9, 2009

Somewhere out there are people who perceive the world far differently than we do. There are people who can see gravity. There are people who do not perceive any separation between their bodies and the world around them. There are even those who here the voice of “God” in their heads as clearly as I can here myself typing right now. From synesthesia to transcendence, there is no limit to what how a mind might make sense of this strange world we are thrown into.