Posts Tagged ‘peace’

Planet Polus

April 26, 2009

Planet Polus has the strongest magnetic field discovered to date. The field is so strong in fact that some plant like organisms are able to derive all of their energy from it. There are some communities of synthetic organisms on the planets surface as well, almost completely carbon-less creatures.

However, the organisms that dominate the Polus are far more similar to humans that they are to the most intelligent of the planet’s synthetic organisms, although many of the microbes that make it possible for them to live are indeed synthetic. They call themselvesVelfore. They derive all of their energy from organic matter. They look insectile from a human perspective but are really more like marsupials than insects upon closer examination. They have build large underground cities which use the planet’s magnetic field for power. Within the average Velforian city their are mass transit systems, residential/commercial districts with almost self sustained economies, large residences as the Velfore are far more communal than humans, tower farms that use artificial light to feed plants, party districts, and  finally an underground lake.

There is trouble on planet Polus. A colony of hardhearted humans have arrived on the planet’s surface. They do not share the same sustainable practices as their softhearted cousins do. If the Velfore are not expedient in dealing with the new arrivals both the water supply and the fragile but powerful magnetic field may be at risk.

The Velfore are not warlike people although there are a number of very bloody episodes recorded in their history. As such, they attempt to solve the environmental concern diplomatically. The hard-hearts are not cooperative. They mock the long skinny Velfore and their simple ways. The Velfore kidnap one of the humans and show it one of their cities. The human is moved and apologizes for its actions but is unable to convince its comrades to reform their environmental practices. The human lives with the Velfore for a number of years and becomes a soft-heart, in most ways at least. Understanding that Polus is on the brink of environmental disaster, it seeks out weapons with which to destroy its kin.

There is a family of synthetic creatures on Polus known as Voltron. You may remember a popular anime that is named after these creatures. They live off of the magnetic currents and collect metals for nutrition. There is only one strand of Voltron that is intelligent. The other species have simply evolved survival mechanisms. Although each species lives separately, there are rumors that when it is deemed necessary they will work with each other to achieve common goals.

Now despite what one might expect, most synthetic organisms have cells just as carbon based life tends to. Voltron, to the naked eye, do not look particularly different from carbon based lifeforms. It is the way that these life forms process energy that sets them apart. There are six major Voltron species. The soft-hard-human chooses these creatures to initiate an offensive. The intelligent strand of Voltron seem more like plants than animals. They root themselves in the ground like many sea animals on earth root themselves. The Intelligent Voltron, or Voltron Brains, pull up metallic nutrients from the ground and create tools for themselves as necessary. They only change location when the environment becomes particularly threatening. Other Voltron will often follow orders from Intelligent Voltron, as evolution has proven the decision to do so beneficial. Voltron communicate with each other by and large through chemical packages as bacteria do. They also use bio-luminescence.

Another major species of Voltron are fliers. They look a bit like kites, bats, and birds all in one. In stead of flapping wings however, they simply use the magnetic field to guide them. When many Voltron Kites gather, electricity often surges between them. When they are in danger they interlock, forming one large kite. Some thrive underwater.

Voltron Urchins are like porcupines, only harder. They often roll instead of walk. A herd of them can be very dangerous, particular when they are uphill from a perceived threat.

Voltron Snakes can be hundreds of feet long and thrive underground as well as underwater. They are as strong as trees.

Voltron Foxes are the only species of Voltron that refuses to obey orders from Voltron Brains. They are fast and possess excellent sensory preceptors. They look a bit like flying squirrels with pointy ears and huge legs. They have flat heads and blocky teeth because they eat rocks.

Voltron Bearcats are big and scary. They spit nasty chemicals and are the only species of Voltron that has developed a taste for organic life, even meat. There are not very many of them, but they are built like houses and live for centuries.

The human was able to convince the completely utilitarian Voltron Brains to help it attack the human colonists. All that it took was the promise of vast quantities of raw metallic nutrients. The war did not last very long. Unfortunately for the Velfore, the Voltron decided that the profits of war were so worthwhile that raiding Velforian cities would be a good use of time. That was the end of Peace on Polus for very very long time.

Love Potion Number 68

April 12, 2009

Once upon a time, there was a mad scientist. This scientist was extremely lonely and frigid. He had never had never known the affection of another human being and also longed desperately to have an orgasm. His efforts and inventions were completely unsuccessful on all fronts.

He also experienced three unsuccessful suicides. The later of which involved electricity and tomato paste. Remarkably, it was during this final suicide attempt that he was struck with inspiration.

This mad scientist had once created a machine that would allow him to experience life vicariously as another person. Unfortunately the machine could only lock onto another person’s mind if that person was in a grocery store. Why? I’ll never know, I’m no scientist. That’s just the way it was. The thing is, people don’t tend to have orgasms in grocery stores, and even if they do, there was no way for the mad scientist to pick them out from everybody else. But perhaps, the scientist realized, a situation could be created where that wouldn’t matter.

The mad scientist had had a degree of success in causing mice and rats to have orgasms. He suspected that the same technology could be applied to humans as well. However, when he experimented on himself he discovered that there was a problem with the way his brain was wired. The experiments failed. But there was hope! If the mad scientist could only find a way to amplify the machine.

8:00 p.m. PT May 17, 2009. This is the day it happened. The mad scientist caused every person in the world to have a 30 second orgasm. This day was recorded as the day with the highest number of disasters yet has also, oddly, been marked as the first major event leading to world peace. There were many enemies who had orgasms in each other’s presence this day. Most of them couldn’t help but feel a little bit closer because of it. Some adversaries experienced a sensation of shared humiliation and decided to band together to discover the cause and kill whoever was responsible.

When all this was occurring, the mad scientist was unconscious. He had had to steal so much electricity in order to power his machine that there was simply no way to safely contain it. When he turned on his global orgasmifier, a huge surge of electricity threw him against his vicariousness device, effectively destroying it. Those who were not enemies simply became closer friends. Some became much closer friends.

When the mad scientist awoke, he attempted his fourth suicide. This time, he was successful.


April 2, 2009

For the first time in history, humanity possesses a surplus of pollution free energy all over the world. Wind and Solar are primarily responsible, however alternative energies continue to augment our already efficient energy reserves. Now that energy is virtually free, we can begin the next great cycle of modernization.

Cheap transportation is one of the keystones to global economic success. We are constructing a new system of airways for electric aircraft. All transportation is being given wireless recharging capabilities, and the combustion engine is being gradually phased out. Soon we will have a world of truly free travel.

The other major field that is in need of modernization is of course agriculture. Organic garden systems and tower garden systems are solving this issue. We will soon perfect these arts so that any town can grow its own food easily and efficiently.

The area of study that I most wish to expand, unpopular as it may be, is space exploration. If we can make contact other creatures like ourselves, learn to terra-form, or discover large deposits of useful resources, we can ensure humanity’s long time survival in the universe.

As my final act as president of the world, I am tripling the global science fund.

Words from the Heart

March 19, 2009

My best friend Jan was different. They took her away. I don’t know if I’ll ever see her again.

Growing up, we were just like any other kids. We talked about things we liked and things that scared us and things that made us angry. We built forts and had sleep-overs. We played games and laughed. We went to school together and sometimes we had the same teacher.

In fifth grade, Jan tried to call home from our phone. Her parents couldn’t hear her very well. It didn’t seem strange at first. It just seemed like something was wrong with the phone, because I was right there, and I could hear Jan fine.

Later that year, Jan tried to leave a message for me on the answering machine. We got in a really big fight the next day. She was really angry that I hadn’t responded to her message. There was nothing on the answering machine except silence.

We started to do some experiments that week. No matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t record Jan’s voice. We could both hear it, and so could everybody else, but for some reason, her voice couldn’t be recorded. It was really frustrating.

When we showed Jan’s parents they didn’t believe us a first. Grown-ups can be real jerks when they think they know everything already. Eventually we got them to let us show them. They believed us once they saw for themselves.

Jan’s parents got scared and started talking to professionals. None of them knew what they were doing. Then Dr. Helsbourg came. I saw $ $ in his eyes from the start. He had a case filled with strange spinning devices with lots of knobs and wires. He said, “It seems that your daughter doesn’t use her vocal cords to speak. My sensors indicate elevated levels saratonin of in her brain. She may be using telepathy.”

My parents thanked Dr. Helsbourg and paid him for his services, but indicated to him that they did not wish to perform any further testing. Dr. Helsbourg was furious. He told Jan’s parents that they were wasting on of the greatest discoveries in human history.

Dr. Helsbourg came back the next year. The government was with him. I heard a rumor that they want to weaponize Jan’s telepathic abilities.

I miss you Jan.

Jan breaks out of a government facility years later while I am in high school. She takes me away. I will convince her to use her abilities to make the world a better place. She will never really feel like she belongs with other people, except perhaps with me. Before she dies, she transmits a dream that she has to every member of the human species. It is a dream of peace. We all see it for a time, in our minds eye, then the moment is past.