Posts Tagged ‘octopus’

fishdaddy’s nightmare

May 29, 2010

It should be mentioned that fire can exist underwater, it just requires something that burns really intensely, like magnesium.


March 22, 2009

As a child they called him a mutant. In school they called him a monkey boy. In college they called him a prodigy. I know him as Lile.

Lile can use all four of his limbs to perform four different tasks simultaneously. I don’t know how he does it, but it never ceases to amaze me. I have seen Lile write a paper, while painting a picture, while playing a boardgame, while singing, while standing. If he had had more limbs, I am quite convinced that he would have been able to use them for even more tasks at the same time.

I remember watching the BBC this one time. The show was about sea creatures. I remember seeing how different creatures were wired to interact with their environments through different sense receptors and with different appendages. I remember thinking to myself, Lile is like an octopus. I think I must have told him as much. In any case, he surely has thought something similar. I know because he has recently made a minor alteration to his body. Lile had some extra arms attached.

As it turns out, he isn’t able to use his new limbs. He says it’s probably just because people get wired to use different limbs when they are kids and now he’s too old. I’m not sure. Part of me thinks that people just can’t learn how to use more limbs than they aught to have. I mean if anybody should be able to learn how to use an extra arm or two, it’s Lile.

He did it. It took a year or so, but he did it. Lile is now the proud operator of six arms. He officially the worlds first functional human octopus. His parents who were once mildly ashamed of their freakishly talented little tyke are now very proud. I wonder what Lile will do with all those limbs.