Posts Tagged ‘information’

on global wireless internet

December 2, 2009

We must get wireless internet access to the world.

This is a project that I think is second only to creating clean energy with which to power it. When people with hardships have internet access they are better able to discover solutions and mobilize their communities. Information is readily available for any given problem and for humans knowledge is the universal cure. Lastly, it becomes much more difficult for people to be exploited when they have access to effective communication and information. This is important for long term security as well as long term environmental stability.

Intellectual Property

May 6, 2009



Remember when we had strict intellectual property laws, like copyright and stuff.


It was weird, huh?


Like how people didn’t trust that their ideas were valuable enough on their own.

I guess.

Like how people thought that they wouldn’t be able to get credit for things without extra protection.

I don’t know.

Okay, let me put it this way. Let’s pretend that you and I are a part of somebody’s short story on somebody’s blog.


Now, let’s say that somebody else copy’s and pastes us to another blog but doesn’t say where it came from.


Right. That’s still illegal.


But if they say where they got it from, that isn’t illegal anymore.


So there are like way more ideas out there and like variations on ideas and stuff. So that’s good right.

Not really.


Every time somebody comes up with a new idea or improves an old one, everybody else’s ideas are worth less.

I don’t think that’s true. I’m confused.


I mean, if you tweak one of my ideas and make money off of it, that’s great right? I mean as long as you say I helped.


That’s what goes on in the science community whenever people make new discoveries, right? It just sucks when people don’t get credit for stuff.

What if they don’t want credit? What if they want money?

Then that’s like an idea tax. It stops ideas from growing quickly and evolving and stuff doesn’t it?

What if it stops me from making enough money to feed myself and have more ideas that other people can steal and use?

Then somebody should give you food. Or you should build off of somebody’s ideas that were built on your ideas.

What if that costs money?

Who cares about money. The thing is, unless we have good enough ideas flowing freely enough that everybody can have enough money to try to bring new ideas to fruition. Anyone who gets money is going to be getting it at the expense of someone else. If anything we should be charging people for taking actual things from other people, not for taking ideas. Like if some people have all the food and others don’t we should share the food like we share ideas.

I don’t know if I agree with you.

Well, I don’t know if I agree with you. But we don’t use your way anymore, so I win.

I don’t care. Whatever. That doesn’t mean you’re right.

Fair enough. I am right though.

I have to go.