Posts Tagged ‘hotel’


April 28, 2009

I stayed at this hotel in Canada last week. They don’t have very tight regulation on genetic modification apparently. The hotel was decorated by genetically modified organisms.

All of the plants on the premises were bio-luminescent. It was awesome and beautiful. There is nothing quite like swimming in a pool that is lit entirely by glowing bushes.

The plants in the rooms were electrically charged. Have you ever plugged your laptop or shaver into a shrubbery before? I promise you, it is a memorable experience.

There were also a number of cats on the premises with glowing stripes and eyes. They added an alien jungle aesthetic to the environment. I believe one cat may even have been spliced with squid genes so that it could change the color of its skin and essentially cloak itself, a Cheshire cat if you will.

Perhaps hotels with creatures like these will be legalized in the states soon. One can only hope, right?