Posts Tagged ‘hell’

The Halls of Hell

June 29, 2009

Last night I dreamt that I was in hell. I dreamt that I was a demon who had escaped but had left unfinished business there. A child accompanied me on my return journey. The labyrinth was dark and dangerous. The creatures there were malicious and ravenous. The rulers there were clever and powerful. They were not concerned that I could escape with complete freedom because they knew that I would not be able to. Hell is an awful place and I know that had that child not been there with me I would not have lasted long enough to wake up.

Hell Rising

May 30, 2009

There are two meteorological events at present that deeply alarm me. The Earth’s magnetic field has shifted and sea levels have begun to rise. As you all know, the only reason why these two events should occur simultaneously is if there is a change deep in the earth’s mantle. I believe that current events signal that Hell is rising up from underneath us. We may have a war on our hands, and somehow I don’t feel sure that we will be receiving any foreign aid from on high.