Posts Tagged ‘heart’

Planet Polus

April 26, 2009

Planet Polus has the strongest magnetic field discovered to date. The field is so strong in fact that some plant like organisms are able to derive all of their energy from it. There are some communities of synthetic organisms on the planets surface as well, almost completely carbon-less creatures.

However, the organisms that dominate the Polus are far more similar to humans that they are to the most intelligent of the planet’s synthetic organisms, although many of the microbes that make it possible for them to live are indeed synthetic. They call themselvesVelfore. They derive all of their energy from organic matter. They look insectile from a human perspective but are really more like marsupials than insects upon closer examination. They have build large underground cities which use the planet’s magnetic field for power. Within the average Velforian city their are mass transit systems, residential/commercial districts with almost self sustained economies, large residences as the Velfore are far more communal than humans, tower farms that use artificial light to feed plants, party districts, and  finally an underground lake.

There is trouble on planet Polus. A colony of hardhearted humans have arrived on the planet’s surface. They do not share the same sustainable practices as their softhearted cousins do. If the Velfore are not expedient in dealing with the new arrivals both the water supply and the fragile but powerful magnetic field may be at risk.

The Velfore are not warlike people although there are a number of very bloody episodes recorded in their history. As such, they attempt to solve the environmental concern diplomatically. The hard-hearts are not cooperative. They mock the long skinny Velfore and their simple ways. The Velfore kidnap one of the humans and show it one of their cities. The human is moved and apologizes for its actions but is unable to convince its comrades to reform their environmental practices. The human lives with the Velfore for a number of years and becomes a soft-heart, in most ways at least. Understanding that Polus is on the brink of environmental disaster, it seeks out weapons with which to destroy its kin.

There is a family of synthetic creatures on Polus known as Voltron. You may remember a popular anime that is named after these creatures. They live off of the magnetic currents and collect metals for nutrition. There is only one strand of Voltron that is intelligent. The other species have simply evolved survival mechanisms. Although each species lives separately, there are rumors that when it is deemed necessary they will work with each other to achieve common goals.

Now despite what one might expect, most synthetic organisms have cells just as carbon based life tends to. Voltron, to the naked eye, do not look particularly different from carbon based lifeforms. It is the way that these life forms process energy that sets them apart. There are six major Voltron species. The soft-hard-human chooses these creatures to initiate an offensive. The intelligent strand of Voltron seem more like plants than animals. They root themselves in the ground like many sea animals on earth root themselves. The Intelligent Voltron, or Voltron Brains, pull up metallic nutrients from the ground and create tools for themselves as necessary. They only change location when the environment becomes particularly threatening. Other Voltron will often follow orders from Intelligent Voltron, as evolution has proven the decision to do so beneficial. Voltron communicate with each other by and large through chemical packages as bacteria do. They also use bio-luminescence.

Another major species of Voltron are fliers. They look a bit like kites, bats, and birds all in one. In stead of flapping wings however, they simply use the magnetic field to guide them. When many Voltron Kites gather, electricity often surges between them. When they are in danger they interlock, forming one large kite. Some thrive underwater.

Voltron Urchins are like porcupines, only harder. They often roll instead of walk. A herd of them can be very dangerous, particular when they are uphill from a perceived threat.

Voltron Snakes can be hundreds of feet long and thrive underground as well as underwater. They are as strong as trees.

Voltron Foxes are the only species of Voltron that refuses to obey orders from Voltron Brains. They are fast and possess excellent sensory preceptors. They look a bit like flying squirrels with pointy ears and huge legs. They have flat heads and blocky teeth because they eat rocks.

Voltron Bearcats are big and scary. They spit nasty chemicals and are the only species of Voltron that has developed a taste for organic life, even meat. There are not very many of them, but they are built like houses and live for centuries.

The human was able to convince the completely utilitarian Voltron Brains to help it attack the human colonists. All that it took was the promise of vast quantities of raw metallic nutrients. The war did not last very long. Unfortunately for the Velfore, the Voltron decided that the profits of war were so worthwhile that raiding Velforian cities would be a good use of time. That was the end of Peace on Polus for very very long time.

Heart Felt

April 8, 2009

We all have hearts. I don’t mean the organ. I don’t mean the one inside you that keeps the beat of your biology. I mean your heart of hearts.

We all have hearts. They are made of felt. Some are stuffed. Some are not stuffed. They all hang in a dusty old closet in a creaky green house.

I visited that house once. I have forgotten how to get there. Have you been there? Do you remember the way?

So many forgotten hearts. So many many. But what is this? There is a piece of felt in my pocket. Perhaps a tiny piece of heart felt.

Psychic Sponge

April 7, 2009

Jef was born with a peculiar type of autism. Jef’s autism rendered him vulnerable to whatever psychic noise filled his environment. Jef never developed any emotions of his own. He simply, intensely, absorbed and reproduced the emotions that were emanating from the people around him. Often he would reflect others’ emotions more clearly and more vividly than they themselves would. Occasionally he would find himself trapped in emotional feedback loops with others as they witnessed their own grief or joy or embarrassment leak out from their hearts, into, then out of the boy.

Jef committed suicide at age twelve while in the presence of a bereaved Japanese businessman.

Gravity and the Ghost

March 27, 2009

When you die, your soul doesn’t rise up to heaven. Loosed from the bond to a body, your soul does not find itself free and weightless. When you die, you find you are no longer tethered to the world on the surface. You find that even as a spirit you are effected by gravity. Then, flailing frantically, desperately, you sink. You sink down through layers of rock and sediment. You sink down past deposits of limestone and quartz. You pass from the Earth’s crust down into lakes of magma that make up Earth’s mantle. You may think that these lakes of fire are the river that will take you to the gates of hell. This is not far off.

When you arrive, you will find that the Earth’s core is filled with spirits like your own. Likely, for the rest of eternity you will remain trapped in this congested space like too many dozens of people in an elevator. You will find that the only hope that remains within the overwhelmingly dense confines of this place is the hope of new creation. Within the concentration of souls there is a concentration of energies. If you manage to form a determined collaborative effort, you will find that it is possible to change the perceived nature of your environment.

On very rare occasions, hundreds of souls may band together in such a way. When they do so, they transform the center of the Earth into the hottest place in the solar system. They transform it into a club of transcendental proportion. In this club you will have the opportunity to mingle with famous figures and the dearly departed. You have the opportunity to bond between others in ways far more intimate but far less gratifying than you could before. But most importantly, you will have the opportunity to dance. You yourself can become one with the rhythm of the cosmos. You can augment the universe with your own energies. You can unwind yourself into the heartbeat of the planet.

If you put your ears to the ground and listen very carefully, you may be able to hear the beat already, thumping and bumping deep underground.