Posts Tagged ‘hate’

Planet Pain

January 9, 2010

Lord Korfax was once humanoid. He destroyed his homeworld as a sacrifice in order to obtain immortality. His hateful stench is so strong it darkens out his entire galaxy. His eyes are empty and red. On most worlds his name is used for cursing. The intergalactic council of warlocks banished him from his body, but his lead heart was so dense with malice that it created a gravity well. Over millenia, Lord Korfax accumulated mass until he became the gas giant Korfax. To enter a radius several hundred light years from Korfax is to damn oneself to an untimely demise. He manipulates his magnetic field into fiendish hands that stretch across the galaxy. He can crush ships and strip a planet of its atmosphere. He can reach into your soul and devour your hope. His sector of space is graveyard. There are forms of life that have been allowed to evolve on planet Korfax. Each species is an abomination. They exist for the express purpose of turning the universe into nightmare. To live in proximity to Korfax born creatures is to live on hell’s doorstep.

It is feared that Korfax will some day escape the orbit of the nameless super massive star that he orbits. At present it is the only body known to have any influence upon him.

How did one such as Lord Korfax come to exist? It is documented that he once was a child and could perhaps have turned out to develop into a decent happy being, but something changed him. There is not a soul in this world who can say exactly what catalyst contributed to the sinister thing called Korfax. Some say that a seed of some devil universe traversed the void to germinate inside Lord Korfax. Some say that he is tortured by unspeakable despair and if only the words were whispered to him his heart would surely thaw. Perhaps there is no reason. Perhaps Lord Korfax simply is.


June 16, 2009

Some emotions are very dangerous. There was once a man who hated. This man loathed life and every living thing. He would go out of his way to destroy and humiliate. No creature was undeserving of his spite. On one particular Tuesday morning when the sky was acutely pink and the birds distinctly cheery the man stubbed his toe. His fury welled up inside. Before he could find some poor soul to unleash his wrath upon the man exploded in a fiery mass.

This is just one reason why it is good to mind one’s temper.