Posts Tagged ‘grandma’

Magic Lamp

June 5, 2009

My Grandma just left me alone in the attic with her favorite lamp. She said that I must never touch it. I’m going to be living here for one month. The lamp is on the very edge of a very old table. I am moderately concerned for the safety of said lamp.

Two weeks have gone by. I just tripped over a wrinkle in the carpet. I almost broke the lamp. I guess I’ll have to be more careful.

I made it to my second to last day. The lamp has not been broken.

Oh no. I broke the lamp. It was my last day and I broke it. When I broke it an evil genie came out and killed everybody in the whole town. Everybody dead, even the kittens and squirrels. All my fault. Maybe it was just a dream.

Oh good it was just a dream. I can see that the lamp is still there. Just a dream…