Posts Tagged ‘forbidden’

Chocolate Touch

March 14, 2010

Ferdinand jumped back. Lucianna could read the mad terror in his face half lit by the fireplace.

Ferdinand, why must you torment me so?

Lucianna. You must never touch me. If you do, you will die.

Than it would be worth it!

Lucianna through Ferdinand to the ground and pressed her lips against his.


Ferdinand stared in horror as Lucianna started to turn in to delicious cocoa right on top of him. He rolled her off of his body. She just lay there, all of her, apart from her clothes, turned to pure chocolate. She stared out at him, face forever frozen in anguish.

Lucianna. Why didn’t you stay away from me?

There was nothing he could do. Ferdinand cursed his wretched existence. If only he could allow himself to die.