Posts Tagged ‘body’

Chocolate Touch

March 14, 2010

Ferdinand jumped back. Lucianna could read the mad terror in his face half lit by the fireplace.

Ferdinand, why must you torment me so?

Lucianna. You must never touch me. If you do, you will die.

Than it would be worth it!

Lucianna through Ferdinand to the ground and pressed her lips against his.


Ferdinand stared in horror as Lucianna started to turn in to delicious cocoa right on top of him. He rolled her off of his body. She just lay there, all of her, apart from her clothes, turned to pure chocolate. She stared out at him, face forever frozen in anguish.

Lucianna. Why didn’t you stay away from me?

There was nothing he could do. Ferdinand cursed his wretched existence. If only he could allow himself to die.

Earth Alive

May 20, 2009

Oops. It turns out that the planet Earth is a living creature. Using new particles discovered by the Large Hadron Collider, we managed to open communication with the earth. It has a lot of interesting things to say.

The Earth is very excited. Discovering that some of the creatures that live on its body can speak coherently with it is somewhat like discovering that the bacteria living on one’s body is capable of learning and using the English language.

The Earth had some negative things to say about us. We cause it great discomfort from time to time and it would appreciate it very much if we would stop producing so much pollution and having so many wars.



May 11, 2009

Humanity is more fluid and adaptable than ever. Of course, in the beginning things were not so well organized. There was a point in the 21st century when not everyone had the ability to customize the next generation. Some who did have this privilege abused it.

What I am talking about of course is customizing new born children. It is not hard to pick and choose traits, it is not even that hard to cross species. Then, anything that isn’t done genetically can almost always be accomplished cybernetically or physically.

This is the privilege that initially was only available to some and which was abused by several. Classism became biological as well as economic. The rich grew children with special abilities. They built savants and synaesthetic. They built mental and physical prodigies of ever type. Even rich adults found ways to improve their bodies either with machines or with surgical additions of new body parts. The poor reproduced the old fashioned way. They fell further and further behind.

It was not until war broke out against a group of people who wished to wipe out inferior humanity that the problem of classism was truly dealt with. It is sad that clone and chimera armies of mean superhumans had to come into being before we decided to take the initiative to fully and fairly regulate the gene trade, the cyber-augmentation trade, and the physical splicing trade.

Now anyone has the right to change one’s body or the body of one’s progeny. However, for those augmentations which are considered dangerous or wrong, special licenses must be maintained and the subject must agree to the procedure. Newborn chimera humans are illegal.

The regulations have functioned with a large margin of success over the last few decades, but with so many new colonies being formed off planet, it may no longer be possible to regulate what humanity becomes.