Posts Tagged ‘alive’

Earth Alive

May 20, 2009

Oops. It turns out that the planet Earth is a living creature. Using new particles discovered by the Large Hadron Collider, we managed to open communication with the earth. It has a lot of interesting things to say.

The Earth is very excited. Discovering that some of the creatures that live on its body can speak coherently with it is somewhat like discovering that the bacteria living on one’s body is capable of learning and using the English language.

The Earth had some negative things to say about us. We cause it great discomfort from time to time and it would appreciate it very much if we would stop producing so much pollution and having so many wars.


Spirit Sonata

April 18, 2009

There was once a stream of harmonies played. The players were influenced by great genius. The melodies intertwined in such perfection that they created a sentient being out of the very medium that the music traveled through.

On windy days, if you listen very carefully, you may hear that sonata yourself. It may even play with your hair and kiss your ears as it dances by.