
Melbourne’s eyes grew on stalks. This caused a great many problems for him. It made it impossible to get glasses, difficult to make friends, and instead of using hairbands to keep his hair out of his eyes he had to use eyebands to keep his eyes out of his hair.

Fortunately, there was an accident at one of Monsanto’s secret laboratories. A stalk of corn grew to impossible proportion. Melbourne managed to sneak onto the premises. The one thing that his eyes were good for was seeing around corners. He climbed the cornstalk all the way up to the moon where he met several other individuals whose eyes grew on stalks. They were happy for a time until Melbourne realized that they shouldn’t have to live on the moon just because they were different. Unfortunately, by the time he realized this the great giant cornstalk had been cut down.

They had no choice but to build a spaceship. When they made it back to earth everyone thought that they were aliens. They tried to explain but nobody would listen. In any case, they finally received the respect and positive attention that they deserved.

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