Counter-Anthropocetric Culture

Some creatures come into sentience on the moons of large planets, mostly gas giants. Unlike humans, who often develop centrist cultures that perceive their world as the only or as the center of all worlds, those who evolve in revolution around massive objects tend to have a more humble paradigm.

Imagine, if you will, living your entire life in the shadow of Jupiter. Imagine living in a place where the seasons are just as dependent on that giant as they are on the sun. Imagine how difficult it would be to believe in a God that caters only to you or to your people. Surely there is nothing particular special about you. Anything that seems so is nothing more than luck. The orb on which live most likely isn’t even the only satellite in the planets orbit.

I hope that when we encounter creatures like this we have acquired the ability to be at least half as humble as they surely are.

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