ethics, extra dimensions, and energy

In the future it may become possible to bridge the gap between our universe and others. However, if it turns out that our universes are separated by immense invisible forces, as at this point it seems they likely are, it may require a universe worth of energy to build or maintain such a bridge.

If dark matter and dark energy not only have a relationship to each other but are somehow responsible for the particular balance of our universe than these huge forces may also be linked in some way to other universes. But if there is no way except through gravity or other large scale phenomena for us to interact with dark matter or dark energy, we could be stuck. Until, that is, we discover a way to siphon off energy from some invisible place.

By using energy from one universe it may be possible to create a bridge to another. The problem is that there is no sure way of knowing that we do not cause harm by doing this. It may turn out that most universes don’t form matter as we know it and consist mostly of energy. If that is the case there can be little harm done to anyone personally, but is that scale of destruction permissible at all? However, if there is life or some rare beauty akin to it existing in that universe invisible to us because it is made of particles that we cannot interact with or perceive, we may commit epic atrocity. On the other end of things, there is always the chance that by building a bridge we somehow save some poor beings from a collapsing universe, or even ourselves from some type of universal destruction of our own.

We have always gone out into new frontiers as our abilities opened the portal. If we reach the point where other universes are all that remain for us to venture into, what can we afford to risk? What price is too high for infinite possibility and does it matter if the price is invisible to us? Perhaps we have already destroyed countless universes without even leaving our own backyard. Regardless of whether or not technology will allow, can our limited sense of ethics ever bridge the divide between our universe and the next?

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One Response to “ethics, extra dimensions, and energy”

  1. pukirahe Says:

    I really admire people who think about other universes. This proves that they are using their precious rational sense with responsibility. This thinking may lead us to new discoveries for the beautification of the human life.

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