New Frontier

Space travel was relatively easy to master. Now, there is a new frontier before us.

The solution to intergalactic space travel did not lie with wormholes as many humans from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries expected. Instead space travel was simplified by warping space-time. Once a location has been physically reached a beacon with a quantum entangled twin can be established. This allows for instant teleportation across space-time. Using these two basic tools humanity joined countless other intelligent beings in the quest to unify the social universe. Biological life evolves in 1 of every 10,000 or so solar systems. Intelligent life evolves on about half of these. All intelligent life reaches a dual point of transition consisting of space exploration and transcendence of biological limitation. Some species acquire one before the other but most transition simultaneously. Bottom line: Every galaxy is filled with civilizations.

Connecting Galaxies is a slow process. Even if connections are made with most galaxies there are always a majority moving away from all others at accelerating rates. Even surfing the fastest warp ripple it is nearly impossible to reach the furthest corners of the universe.

What is more difficult still is safely establishing a connection with an alternate universe. Within the center of a black-hole there is a singularity. Calculations show that this can be space-time that stretches into space-time before the cosmological singularity (the big bang) as well as other universes entirely. It seems, from what we know about inter-universal particles, that gravity in our universe is inverse to at least one other universe that we know of. Of course safely making it through a black-hole is no simple task. Most matter that enters a black-hole is flung together with extreme force and expelled via quasars. We will have to construct a field of protection that is possibly capable of  surviving collisions with planets. The second barrier to connecting with other universes is that infinitely curved space-time tends to make any successful trip one way. Our only hope is that quantum entanglement might continue to function across universes.

A suitable rotating black-hole has been chosen. Several teams have created what they believe to be the first inter-universal crafts. The crafts will all be manned by intelligent life forms, because there is no way of ensuring a sensible connection once the vessel has crossed into the singularity even if a quantum network can be maintained past the first and even second event horizons. Each vessel has a complex map to the black-holes singularity. Every piloting entity will have to maneuver against all odds toward the calm oasis of the singularity. Once there, we have no way of knowing what exactly will happen. It is likely that some of these vessels will arrive in another universe only to find that they are still deep behind the event horizon of a black-hole in that universe. At least one ship is planning to create a bubble of space-time that runs inversely to whatever space-time it is currently immersed in should this happen. Presumably this bubble has already been tested somehow.

All of the vessels are now just about to pass the event horizon. Perhaps word will be received from one of them immediately. It could be that just like that a new frontier is opened. Inversely, it could be that what for the vessel is a short voyage could be a billion years for us. I suppose that all we can do now is wait and see then if we lose patience try again.

Many years ago, when I was a human child on Earth I remember the first confirmed discovery of transmissions from another universe. They were just simple radio waves but they had somehow made it through the singularity of a black-hole. I knew then that it was our destiny to bridge the gap into that other world and meet the makers of that message.

It read, “Greetings people of the other world. We don’t know whether you are really there or if your world is just an ancient or future reflection of our own, but we can see your light breaking through the darkness.”

for more on black-holes:

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