A New Colony

A group of humans arrive in dark space. They have with them all of the tools that they will need to create a new home. They start by creating a sun. In side the center of a large skeletal sphere a small sun is born.

Next they begin to add atmosphere to a large asteroid in tow. After a few hundred hours the celestial body is ready to take on water and the first degree of biological terraforming.

Colonization will take place successfully.

Unbeknownst to the colonists, a few small errors have been made in the gene replicators. The human colonists will only survive for two more generations before being forced into cryogenic hibernation. Most will never awaken.

On the surface of the new planet life will continue to flourish and mutate. New intelligences will arise and clash. One will come to dominance. Eventually, sciences will reach a point that allows for not only first contact with the few remaining humans but also salvation.

A strange and almost magical bond connects these two intelligences when they gaze into each other’s optical receptors.

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  1. Twitted by lunarlorax Says:

    […] This post was Twitted by lunarlorax […]

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