Blue Kangaroo

I once knew a blue kangaroo. It went by the name of Duey. Duey was a refuge from another world. Duey liked swimming. One day Duey’s friends came. That was the last I ever saw of Duey.

Duey, is that you? What are you doing here?

I hear strange bursts and see large fizzling holes appear in my wall. Someone is chasing Duey. Duey hops into the back of my truck and I floor it. In a hotel in Oklahoma I receive a phone call. Duey is still asleep.

You are aiding one of the galaxies most notorious criminals. If you do not turn Duey over to us you put yourself at great risk. We may be forced to terminate or prosecute you if you allow Duey to escape.

Hang up the phone, kid. NOW!

Duey? They said…

Are you going to listen to them?


Well maybe you should. I am a criminal.


I’m the most wanted pirate in three quadrants of the galaxy. You know what else though?


The ones who are after me are a imperial bounty hunters for the most corrupt interplanetary government out there. They don’t want justice. They just want to get paid. In all the time that I spent here on earth with you, did I ever ask for anything more than I needed to survive?

I don’t think so.

I may be a criminal, but the things I help transfer are things that a lot of good people need to live the lives that they deserve to live.

Do you sell weapons?


We need to keep moving.

The two of us made it to Duey’s hidden ship. Duey told me that if I didn’t get into the ship, his enemies would kill me or worse. I got in. I asked what would happen to my family. He looked strange when I asked that, then said “okay.” We flew over what was left of my house. Not much. I was angry. Duey was silent.

Space was awesome. I almost forgot that we were on the run and that my family was either dead or missing. Duey showed me knew worlds and introduced me to all kinds of different people. Some were pretty poor, others were really rich. Some had weapons and mean faces, others were gentle and gave me things to play with. Duey made a lot of deals with people that he didn’t like to talk with me about, but mostly it felt like we were on vacation.

Our travels couldn’t last for ever, of course. Eventually we knew we would run into Duey’s enemies again. This time, we would be ready, but first we needed to stop by Duey’s home world, the planet of the blue kangaroos.

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