Planet Earth X

A haze begins to lift from your mind as you realize that you’re sitting in the omni-dome of the dream theatre. Tonight’s feature presentation is Planet Earth, the Planet Earth that exists in the collective dreams of humanity.

Most of the film’s locations have a familiar feel layered in strange insights. You travel through the Grand Canyon. The sky is dark, but the Canyon walls glow as if by daylight. Many sections of the Canyon have been painted by rock termites. Rock termites tend to paint in patterns to mark colony’s territory. Strait or curved stripes of purple and yellow, or brown and green, or hot pink and black make the canyon walls feel like a strange mural in a long and crooked hallway.

We cut to the giant coral reefs of the frozen north. Deep under the sterile mountains of massive geometric ice crystals, there is thriving ecosystem. Beautiful as this reef may be, do not be deceived. Incredible danger lurks within every nook and cranny. Large mounds with large holes house the coral colonists themselves. Tentacles several meters long come out at night and feast on the fish, which in this realm of the dreamworld look as much like birds or even insects than any fish.

Just as you are about to see the marble desert, the film from the projector tears and burns. The screen goes white and the an announcement is made. You will just have to return again when next you sleep and hope for the best.

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